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  • Jennifer Tozier - Riveting! Couldn't put it down!Incredible, riveting book. So creative and suspense-filled. Couldn't put it down! The storyline is really interesting, and seems plausible. Kept me turning pages until the end, and I wish the reviews on the next one were not so bad. I am sad it's over. I have not purchased the last one for fear that I will be very disappointed.
  • Brian D. Zachel "Movie Maniac" - SainSonic 3d Glasses vss PanasonicThis is my first venture into the world of 3d television. I have yet to try the Panasonic glasses so I was conservative in my review of these glasses. They work very well. I had no trouble getting them to sync up with my television. I have to wear them down towards the tip of my nose...not because of the glasses but because I wear glasses and have a tri-focal prescription and have to position the 3d glasses so to avoid the "lines" in my own glasses. All in all...a great buy. Update 11-14-2011: I now have a pair of the the third generation Panasonic 3d glasses and did a side-by-side comparison. My findings are that there is virtually no difference in picture quality, or any other issue. They are bulkier than the Panasonics but find no glaring differences in 3d quality. The Panasonic brand features a mechanical slide on/off switch whereas the Sainsonic uses a momentary contact switch. Based on my experience I feel that the slide switch will fail before the momentary contact style of the Sainsonic brand. Not a big deal...just my observation. Unless you sit there and actually play with the switch on the Panasonic brand this will probably never become an issue. As to which one to buy...that will be your personal choice. If you want to save money buy the Sainsonic brand. If you absolutely have to have the Panasonic brand then go for it by all means. I have both and find neither to be a disappointment...ah yes!...forgot to mention...you do get a velvet pouch to store the Sainsonics in...the Panasonics have no storage except the box they come in.
  • HappyOwner - Good product and excellent supportPurchased the WifiBaby 2.0 couple days ago and had some problem in the setup process. The vendor's technical support was excellent in guiding me through the installation process. Now, the system is running and it lives up in all aspects of the system operation as advertised. I would recommend to anyone to purchase this product.
  • John Chiocchi "Johnny C." - Still the classic protection after all these years.Scotchgard Fabric Protector has been around for a very long time. This is an easy to use product that gives you the edge over spills on fabric. Protecting furniture is one of the more popular uses of Scotchgard because it does a great job while being easy to apply.

    Scotchgard excels at protecting fabrics. Liquids and spills tend to bead or not stick to the fabric's surface, giving you plenty of time to wipe them off. Buy one more can of Scotchgard than what you estimate you will need to insure good coverage. As with any household aerosols, keep your house well ventilated to reduce breathing in the product.

    Scotchgard is an excellent product that is well worth the investment.