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  • James I. Burns "Lanterloon" - Simply the Best -- Gets better every year!Better than all the rest. This is an annually updated guide to finding your next job. Your next career. Your next passion. Read the book completely once. Then block off a day or two of your life and do the exercises.

    If you don't understand who you are, and what you have to offer, how can you find the right vocation ?

    This book makes a great graduation gift.
  • deadweather - best probioticI was diagnosed with Gastroparesis nearly a year ago, and since then I've tried a bunch of different probiotics (in addition to my medications) trying to find something that will make me feel somewhat better. Before Align, I was using Digestive Advantage Gas Defense Formula - it worked for a while if I took 2 a day but stopped being effective after about a month. With the Gastroparesis, I have horrible bloating, stomach pain, chest pain, nausea, chronic constipation, intestinal blockages, intestines constantly filling up with air, horrible pressure on stomach and intestines, and an extremely limited diet (basically I can eat things like baby food, cooked carrots, squash, broth-based soup, jello, baked apples without the skin, pudding and white rice, and no more than 1/2 cup of anything at a time..I can't eat anything that is high in fiber, has a tough skin, any leafy greens, raw fruits/vegetables or most cooked fruits/vegetables, anything fried or with a lot of fat, etc). I am also lactose intolerant and am sensitive to gluten.

    The first week on Align was AWFUL - my waist is normally 22.5" and for over a week I was so bloated and puffy that my waist measured 27". I was extremely uncomfortable and was having bad chest pains and stomach pains, and bad gas (embarassing!), but my doctor told me to tough it up for at least three weeks before I made a decision about whether or not I wanted to continue.

    I'm about to start my sixth week of Align and have never felt better! I still have the extremely limited diet/can only eat very small portions, but pretty much all of my other symptoms are completely gone. Once my body got used to the Align, the bloating/pain/gas went away; I am no longer constantly nauseous and bloated and no longer feel like I'm going to explode because of pressure build up. My bowels are completely normal for the first time basically in my whole life and for the first time in almost two years I am able to go out and do things with my friends without having extreme anxiety about possible GI problems.

    Align has been a total lifesaver and I hope that it doesn't stop working like the Digestive Advantage did. As long as I am very strict about my diet, I feel about as normal and healthy as is possible for me. Before Align, I was very depressed and did not know how much longer I would be able to deal with the constant pain, nausea and discomfort. I am so thankful for Align and am relieved that my doctor persuaded me to continue taking it regardless of how bad it initially made me feel.

    I would recommend this to anyone who has any sort of GI problem.
  • L. Hastings - A Labor of LoveThis is actually my third time reading this book, as I read the original twice and now this one. It is a book that I will surely read again. There is so much to know about Michael Jackson between these pages; a lot of it fascinating, a lot of it incredible, a lot of it sad. You will laugh and you may cry. How could you not? For me, J. Randy Taraborrelli humanizes him in such a way that no one else has been able to do. You're getting the beginning of his life and you need that to try and understand his entire life. This book covers everything.

    I believe that the dedication in this book is quite fitting. This book is more than just a biography. It is a labor of love. J. Randy Taraborrelli has always been a Michael Jackson fan. If you do your research you will find this out about him; but you feel it as you read the book. The updated version of this book is well done and I plan on writing the author and thanking him for it.
  • Rick O - This book by Reza Aslan flitters around a lot, but is an unqualified eye-opener.This book by Reza Aslan flitters around a lot, but is an unqualified eye-opener. It's the gospel Jesus versus the historical Jesus. Who is right and who is wrong is up to each reader to decide. Mr. Aslan has certainly done plenty of research, but he has the undertone of a former Muslim about him. I say this only so the reader can take what Aslan says with a grain of salt. He is obviously schooled in both religions, but seems to prefer the historical Jesus as the true son of God. With the gospels written many years after Jesus's death, does anybody really know the truth? The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written well after Jesus's death. The events of Jesus's life are hazy at best since Mark and Luke (some say he was) were not eyewitnesses to Jesus's life. The gospel of Matthew is by an anonymous author, and the gospel of John is authored by `the disciple whom Jesus loved', but is not named. Aslan states that his research took two decades, and he supplies about sixty pages of notes at the end of the book. I guess one can't ask for more. But for me, some of his revelations are truly stunning. Why was this Christ so different from all the other messiahs that traveled through Jerusalem during Jesus's time preaching repentance and damnation? They were also convicted of sedition (rebellious acts against the Roman Empire) and crucified, or beheaded. Why were they not the true Christ? Especially, John the Baptist .

    According to Aslan, Christ didn't leave Nazareth till he was about thirty years old. On page 88, (to paraphrase Aslan) he says, "Before his encounter with John (the Baptist), Jesus was an unknown peasant and day laborer toiling away in Galilee." If Jesus was the main man, why did he come to the Jordan River to be baptized by John? Yet the gospels try to make the reader feel that John the Baptist was inferior to Jesus. In fact, After John was seized and put to death by Roman Tetrarch (governor of the region) Antipas, only then did Jesus's first disciples, Andrew and Philip, leave John the Baptist and follow Jesus on his quest to cleanse the souls of mankind. This is some strong information. Aslan also states that Jesus was born in Nazareth, and not Bethlehem. Jesus had brothers, most notably, James, who took over the leadership of the Catholic Church after Jesus's death. Also stunning is that Jesus, because of his peasant status, could not read or write any language. This is not me talking. This book is very thought provoking and obviously highly controversial.

    Another fact that is historically disputed is the disposition of Pontius Pilate, the fifth governor Rome, sent to oversee Judea. The gospels present Pilate as a weak-willed governor who didn't want to kill Jesus until the Jews demanded that Jesus should be put to death. The Jews were not pleased when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a donkey with a mob of people shouting, "Hosanna!" Aslan says in his book, "The message conveyed to the city's inhabitants is unmistakable: the long awaited messiah-the true King of the Jews-has come to free Israel from its bondage." Aslan says history shows Pontius Pilate to be a very violent man who hated and killed Jews at will. Wow, that's not the Pilate I saw back in the 1970s, when I went to the marvelous play, 'Jesus Christ Superstar: A Rock Opera' . Pilate with the help of the Jewish High Priest, Joseph Caiaphas, had no hesitation in sentencing Jesus to death.

    One fact that is consistent both historically and gospel-wise is Jesus's ability to heal. On page 105, Aslan says, "For while debates raged within the early church over who Jesus was-a rabbi? the messiah? God incarnate? -there was never any debate, either among his followers or his detractors, about his role as an exorcist and miracle worker." Okay, both sides finally agree. This was a time when there were many magicians charging money to perform similar feats, but Jesus never imposed a fee. As Jesus approached Jerusalem in 30 c.e. (common era) " is not just Jesus's miraculous actions that they fear; it is the simple yet incredibly dangerous message conveyed through them: the Kingdom of God is at hand." On page 126, Aslan says, "No wonder, then, that at the end of his life, when he stood beaten and bruised before Pontius Pilate to answer the charges made against him, Jesus was asked but a single question..."Are you the King of the Jews?"

    Was Jesus's last words on the cross (gospel of Mark), "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" And did the resurrection really happen three days later? Who is James the Just? Did Jesus really say, "I say to you that you shall be called Peter, and upon this rock I shall build my church." I've only touched on a few of the enlightening discoveries this reviewer learned from reading Aslan's book about the historical Jesus. I have the feeling that Jesus was more of a man, than the Son of God. In fact, according to Aslan's research, Jesus rebuffed the messianic titles given to him and preferred the title, "The Son of Man." In my opinion, Aslan did a remarkable job putting this non-fiction work together. I felt somber when Jesus's three year old ministry came to an end. Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples (also called apostles), let the Jewish hierarchy know where Jesus was hiding after 'The Last Supper'. Aslan states, "He is praying when they come for him..." This is a sad and provocative book. I highly recommend this book by Reza Aslan.
  • Alaric Lang - 2011 National Electrical Code Chapter By Chapter by David HerresI am a licensed Master Electrician and I thought at first this book might be a little too simplistic for me but I figured if I get one good idea out of it the book will be worth the purchase price. It was a pleasant surprise to find the book in fact full of new insights and helpful information. After reading it, I find a lot of the NEC mandates stick in my mind better than before and I don't have to keep referring back to the original text so often while on the job. I think apprentices and journeymen electricians as well will find the book of great value as it is easy to read and the explanations are very clear.