
Medical Writing - Klinischer und präklinischer Studienberichte, Gutachten für Zulassung, CTD Module, wissenschaftliche Artikel und Kongressberichte - Dienstleistung für Medical Writing an, sowie spezialisierte medizinische und wissenschaftliche Übersetzungen für Universitäten, forschende Pharmaindustrie, Generikafirmen und Europarat.

Country: Europe, DE, Germany

  • Tamara M. Ledoux "TMLeDoux" - My Kindle Is A Constant CompanionWhen I first ordered my Kindle, I anxiously awaited for its arrival for about two to three weeks before it was delivered to my door step, but when it came in the first week of November, I immediately opened it to experience a whole new world of books. Being the advid reader that I am, I was, and still am, enthralled with it!
    I bring it with me where ever I go. People see me using my Kindle and ask me what it is. I tell them it's like an iPod for books (most people understand from that point), newspapers and magazines. I show them how it works with a short demonstration and they're totally impressed! I've made a convincing sales person for the Kindle and have probably inspired, at least three purchases, by now.
    I love my Kindle! It saves a lot of room, since I am short on bookshelf room in my living space, and saves a lot of trees!
  • ~TrademarkP~ "TradeMarkPlayers..96' til" - No regrets!First off, I got the Prime because I wanted a tablet and didn't want an iPad. So I did some research and it looked like the prime was the proverbial "next best thing." Once it arrived I was impressed right out of the box. I have had it for a few weeks now, and I can say I regret nothing. The TF300 came out right after I ordered it for a hundy less, and looks like, if you are willing to make sacrifices in the storage and display dept., a pretty good deal. But back to the TransPrime. The display is remarkable. The form factor is comfortable and gorgeous, even though there are a few changes I'd make (power button placement being #1). The sound is some of the best I've heard on a portable device, crisp and clear. The tab comes with ASUS WebStorage (8GB free) and being an Android device you also have access to the Google Drive Cloud (another free 8 GB). So if you have a WiFi signal you'll be money in the drive department. Speaking of, a lot of people gripe about the metal back and connectivity issues. I've had none, so far but ASUS will throw in a GPS dongle pro bono. In the case I bought for it, it's about the size of a Harry Potter Hardcover and half the depth, so if you can carry a book with you you can carry the tablet. I would recommend it (or the TF300) to any tablet shoppers.
  • Joseph Smock - My resultsI was taking this a few months ago and then things got busy in my life and I stopped. I noticed a difference when I was off the rasberry ketones. Also my weight loss stopped too. Now that I am on the ketones again I can feel my body getting back on track too. I am down one notch on my belt and at 43, I have the energy of a 25 year old.
  • Pam S. Donnelly - Quick Books GuideThis is a must have if you run Quicken Pro especially. Every time I asked a question of course there was someone to answer my question "for a price". This way, I look it up myself. This book has every answer you need. Sometimes you have to really look for it but it is an awesome help for someone who doesn't want to take classes to the tune of $900.