Rxpill.net Review:

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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 92123 San Diego, California

  • Bucky Edgett - Hope I'm not duplicating another review!I didn't quite have the money to get one of these cables, but expected to when a couple of client invoices were paid. So, in the meantime, I put it on my Wish List. All of a sudden, my wishes began to come true! Really!

    Then of course I Wished for the money to buy this superior product. After it was delivered, I found it to be everything claimed, and much more. But I realized that with my new Upgraded Amazon Wish Capabilities, I didn't need the cable.

    I really wish I'd thought of that before I spent $9,999. Oh, wait! I DID think of it. Wow, I just saved a hefty chunk of money.

    Thanks, Amazon, for a great service. This place is the best!
  • RPH - Great StuffI was taking strong doses of antibiotic for an abcessed tooth, and suffering intestinal misery. The capsule probiotics I bought made no difference, but these crystals did the trick in just a couple of days. It was a great relief.