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  • Jennifer McWilliam - Dating reviewExcellent book giving a very different perspective on the dating game played in the western world today. Not only does Joshua Harris say why he disagrees with modern dating, he also gives some alternatives and paints a radical picture of what we should be aiming for in boy girl relationships. I would thoroughly recommend this to anyone.
  • Glenn Korman - Artie is back. Loved the book. Any fan will love it,Loved it. I was a big fan of Artie's on Howards radio show. He fills in all the questions about what happened after his exit. Loved it. Read it in one day. He is honest and funny about his drug problems. Any fan of Stern will LOVE it
  • St. Looey - I LOVE THIS BIKEWhat I love about it: 1. Completely solid/stable; 2. Ability to quantify and, therefore, easily reproduce a given level of resistance; 3. Amazingly silent; 4. A work of art visually. Owning this bike is going to be a life changer in terms of my fitness level. I bought it directly from Brand's since they give three free gifts with its purchase. Dwayne at Brand's rocks!!!!
  • Pierre Haas "eclectic reader" - Brilliant repeat performanceCromwell's uncertainties and insecurities have been replaced by his assurance and his clarity of purpose. He banishes morality and doubt from his mind and his soul, replacing them by a single-minded dedication to serve the Sovereign. Because the King is the State and he serves the State. Perhaps there is a deep stratum of concern about what he needs to do to serve the King, but it is kept there, buried underneath the necessities and the risk-taking of exercising power. Mantel shows what corrosive effect power has on those who wield it, the more brutally direct the power, the more corrosive. So much so that he doubts his own dead wife, in a single moment that shows how far he has gone beyond his initial tough but humane nature. The game is rough and there is no retirement plan: one either wins or one dies, and the die is cast daily. When Cromwell is at his most powerful he is also at his weakest, and he knows it. He has no friends but one, the King. And the King is irascible and unpredictable: "those claws, those claws, those claws..."
  • K. Mcelhose "nono" - amazing!!!I did a lot of looking before i picked my stroller. i found baby gizmo very helpful with video reviews. This is a great stroller super easy to open and close, very light and the straps adjust very easily. If the baby is fussy i can just put him in here and very easily move it around to rock him to sleep. I LOVE THIS STROLLER!
    Im so happy with it that im looking into switching to the britax car seat.
    FYI this is made by the same company as BOB strollers but its $300 cheaper :> excellent!