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- Janis Krums - Age of Context - Must ReadIf you're interested in learning how brands and consumers will interact in the near future you must read Age of Context. Shel and Robert have outlined the key ways that those interactions are happening now and the technologies that are being developed to make them part of our everyday lives in the future. They did this with Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers and they have done it again. They are predicting the future and you need to listen to what they are saying. From mobile devices (google glass) to location based services, how our everyday lives will be shaped by the technologies that are being developed right now.
- KT - Another brilliant Radclyffe bookFive stars to Radclyffe for writing another beautiful love story set against a medical background. Finding yourself and finding love, though common themes, make for great stories and no one word those stories better than Radclyffe.
I loved the main characters, though I had a hard time picturing them, I know they were described but it just didn't stick. At some point the story seemed to move a little slowly and there was a lot of medical jargon but then it picked back up. It did seem a little too reminiscent of her other novels occasionally but nothing too repetitive. It's a sweet, heart touching romance that leaves the reader feeling all gooey and warm inside.
My favourite part of the whole thing was getting another dose of Quinn and Honor and crew. I loved them the first time around and I was thrilled to see them again.
If you're a Radclyffe fan or a lesbian fiction fan, this book is for is every book Radclyffe has written. Seriously, read them all, you won't be disappointed. - Victoria Shephard "Newbirth" - Interesting as historyAfter the publication of "Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution," this older version seems to have been neglected. Mostly this is good because while it's a great book and I enjoyed reading it, Dr. Atkins' understanding of things has come a long way since he wrote it.
For example, the old version recommends almost zero carbohydrates and doesn't take fiber into account. The new book recommends no less than 20g of net carbohydrates, and fiber can be subtracted from the total count for any food since it doesn't raise blood sugar.
In the old version, the first phase was simply called "Phase 1" and lasted only one week; now it is called "Induction" and lasts 2 weeks. Since it includes more carbs, it can be adhered to for up to six months.
Dr. Atkins puts a big emphasis on ketone strips. The new program includes using them, but downplays them. Many people - like me - have trouble getting even light pink on our best days. I think downplaying, while still leaving the option there, is the best thing to do.
Other differences just have to do with the passage of time. 30 years ago Splenda wasn't on the market, so there is no mention of it. Same with cyclomates. Who today has heard of this sweetener? And the cure for constipation then was a mild laxative. Nowadays fiber supplements are on the market and are the recommended thing.
The only part of the book I skipped was the recipes, though if you are into cooking it would be a really awesome part to look through. It takes up significant space, so if you are looking for low carb recipes, the book might be worth the price just for that.
I loved the end of the book and wish that section had been included in the new one. It's Dr. Atkins' statement to the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition of Human Needs on April 12, 1973 (very early versions of the book do not include this). He does a wonderful job of defending his diet to the naysayers. I highly recommend reading this section of the book.
One last thing, the weight chart at the back of the book is not realistic in today's world. It's based on the old version of the Met Life charts. The new version allows people to weigh more, and I know my body just stalls out my weight loss at 145. On the old Met Life chart that was too much. On the new one it is a perfectly normal weight.
I recommend this book as a good history lesson in how the diet began, but to lose weight I recommend "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution," which has the advantage of 30 years' worth of learning that the doctor didn't have when he wrote the first book. - Kat10 - Great stroller!!!We really love this stroller. Super light at 7 lbs so I can actually carry the stroller and my baby if I have to. Easy to fold and open although I always do it with two hands to make it less of a hassle. Easy to stroll, turn, manuever with just one hand. Especially love the fact that this umbrella stroller can be pushed with just one hand!! My daughter loves it too, very comfortable to ride and sleep in. The only cons would be that the basket underneath is really tiny and the seat still reclines a bit even at its highest setting. Would totally recommend though!
- E. Smith - Truly Amazing!This product really is amazing - it really works! I've never suffered horribly bad breath, but have had occasional bouts with it (typically when I'm super busy, don't eat right, and am drinking lots of coffee), and have the "typical" morning breath. Essentially my breath is probably "average". When I first purchased this I really had no idea what it was, it was on sale, and I was sick of the marginal mouthwashes at the drugstore. I don't really care for the typical drugstore mouthwash and the ingredient list in most of them is pretty horrible. I decided to try TheraBreath. The instructions on the back of the bottle are very elaborate, i.e. rinse twice, brush with their toothpaste, dip your floss in TheraBreath. I thought all that was way too much - it'd add another 5 minutes onto my morning routine! I simply decided to replace my typical mouthwash with TheraBreath - and that was it. The first time I tried it I liked it, it was just slightly minty and very neutral in flavor. By the third day I couldn't believe what a difference this mouthwash made! My mouth and breath felt fresh and clean all day long! Morning breath was significantly reduced too! I'd just been using it with my normal brushing routine, once in the morning and once in the evening. At this point I wanted to learn more about the product and what was in it. I spent some time reading TheraBreath's website and reviews on the Internet. I've been a diehard fan ever since.
People with "average" breath probably don't require the elaborate routine recommended on the bottle. I don't. The product IS expensive, but it's worth it. I keep my eye out for sales and stock up (review the expiration date so you'll know how long you can keep it around - most of my bottles have a expiration date a year or two out). TheraBreath also has sales twice a year where you can stock up at a price per bottle that is less than half of retail. I highly recommend this product!