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- Melanie Ryan - Tampa is as thought provoking as you can get....The sexual predator in this fascinating, controversial ,satirical novel is a gorgeous young woman- getting inside the head of the most sociopathic character in literature since Amy in "Gone Girl" makes this a must read. It's often quite uncomfortable to read, but always thought provoking.
- T. Price - Digs down deeper into what your doctor did or may tell youAs a person who loves data, whose job is entirely defined by what I can and cannot learn from data, I LOVED this book and am so thankful that Emily Oster took the time to write it. Oster very cleary goes through each and every common piece of advice your doctor may give you and determines the origin of that advice with commentary on the relevant academic work(s).
It seems to me that a lot of the reviewers are entirely hung up on the portion of the book dealing with drinking alcohol while pregnant. I suspect that many of these reviewers have not actually read the book. Oster does not condone drinking while pregnant; she merely discusses what evidence is available and encourages the reader to make their own decisions. If you have any doubt in her analyses, she has clearly cited all sources, all publicly available. Read them yourself.