Drugfreeworld.org.au Review:
Drug Free World. Substance & Alcohol Abuse, Education & Prevention - Drug Free World - Drug Free Ambassadors, Australia - Drug Free World. Substance & Alcohol Abuse, Education & Prevention, Australia
Country: Oceania, AU, Australia
City: Sydney, New South Wales
- Hervian Rose - BTDT, took the book.This book is well worth the space it takes up in your luggage. As a primary care provider, I shouldn't need this, right? But I am also helpless without the supplies and medicines I was accustomed to having at my fingertips. This amazing book includes how to make emergency formula from milk powder, how much of which electrolytes goes into oral rehydration products, ideas for splinting, and emergency dentistry. I left my book there for co-worker's use when I came back and have regretted it - some of the instructions are fine for "where there is a doctor but you don't want to pay an arm and a leg for something you can take care of at home."
- Aubrey Houck - So far so goodA little background first (and perhaps some TMI)! I switched up my birth control pills about six months ago. Three months in, on my first period with the new pills, I got my first ever yeast infection. That was a bummer of a new experience. I first went to the internet to find a good probiotic for just such a problem (enter RepHresh Pro-B), and then ran off to my local pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions. After two weeks and two different doctor prescribed treatments I still had the infection. This is when I started taking RepHresh. I figured it won't cure me, but it can start creating a healthier environment while I try to fix things. After another trip to the doctor it seemed my yeast infection had decided to take a turn into bacterial vaginosis. This time I got a BV treatment that began and ended with yeast infection treatments. All through my treatments I took RepHresh which really seemed to help calm the symptoms.
After a month of treatment my infections were finally cleared in that last week. It's been just over a month now with RepHresh and I haven't had an infection or discomfort since. It even feels nicer. I plan on continuing with RepHresh Pro-B while I'm on these pills for the next year. They really helped soothe the symptoms of both infections and have created a healthy environment to keep infections at bay. I'm grateful that this has really been working for me; however, I will update through later months just to remain accurate on how well it maintains a healthy pH.
A few things I found that help with *my* probiotic experience are: I take them after I eat, not before, so I don't digest them before they can get where they need. I also take them at the same time of day for consistency's sake. - Lawyeraau - A VOYAGE WELL WORTH TAKING...The third in a series of exceptionally well written time travel, adventure/romance books by the author, it tells a gripping and highly entertaining tale. There are six such novels published to date. I urge the interested reader to start at the beginning and read each and every one. Do not be daunted by the length. Trust me when I say that you will wish that they were longer, so riveting a story does the author unfold. A masterful storyteller, the author employs the superlative use of historical events and period detail to weave an engaging three dimensional tapestry of timeless love and adventure. While the core of the story is about a love that transcends time, it is, however, much more than that. It is an adventure story that grips the reader from beginning to end and is positively addictive!
The love that spans time is that which twentieth century Englishwoman, Claire Randall, has for eighteenth century Scottish highlands warrior, James Fraser. Those readers who have read the first book in the series, "Outlander", know that in 1945, Claire, a combat nurse during World War II, is reunited with her husband, Frank, after the war. While on a second honeymoon in Scotland, she visits a strange, flat topped hill, where a forbidding stone circle draws her. Touching one of the stones, she is hurled through a vortex in time and finds herself in eighteenth century Scotland, where she meets a brave and brawny, red headed Scot, James Fraser, with whom she falls head over heels in love. Finding herself thrust into the midst of clan warfare and intrigue, she and her beloved 'Jamie' have enough adventures to last a lifetime.
The second book, "Dragonfly in Amber", is a continuation of that story, told from the perspective of the twentieth century where Claire, now a doctor, has lived for the past twenty years. Upon the death of her twentieth century husband, Frank, Claire returns to Scotland with her grown, red headed daughter, Brianna. There, she discloses to Brianna the events of her secret past, as well as the truth of whom Brianna's biological father truly is and of the love that Claire bore him.
While in Scotland, however, Claire discovers something that will forever change her future, as well as her past. You see, for the past twenty years, Claire has mistakenly believed that her beloved 'Jamie' died in the historic battle of Culloden. It was there that the Scottish highlanders bravely fought the English in a misguided attempt to restore Charles Stuart, their bonnie Prince Charlie, to the throne of England, only to be decimated on the battlefield. Those few who survived were branded as Jacobite traitors and imprisoned, and their families disenfranchised. It is this very event that Claire and 'Jamie' had conspired to change, only to fail.
Their story transports the reader from the turmoil of the Scottish highlands to the intrigue of the French Court and regales the reader with the adventures of the two lovers, as they conspire to change the very course of history. It was this valiant attempt that ultimately brought Claire and 'Jamie' to the crossroad that would compel them to part and have Brianna become a denizen of the twentieth century.
In "Voyager", Claire, now realizing that the love of her life and soulmate survived the battle of Culloden, makes the decision to go back in time and find James Fraser, as for the past twenty years her love for him has remained constant. Leaving her daughter, Brianna, she once more hurls herself into the vortex of time to eighteenth century Scotland to begin her search for James Fraser, in hope of being reunited with her 'Jamie'.
This book tells the story of what happened to Claire Randall and James Fraser in those intervening twenty years. It tells of their ultimate reunion and rediscovery. With historical events as a backdrop and an unforgettable cast of characters, it regales the reader with their new adventures, as Claire returns to a still divided, turmoil ridden Scotland. Reunited with James Fraser, none the worse for wear, they seek to make a life for themselves. As their love comes full circle, they take to the high seas, and their adventures continue. This compelling time travel saga is sure to captivate the reader.