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Country: Europe, NL, Netherlands

City: Amsterdam, North Holland

  • J. Jones "Like-2-Travel" - A Great GPS. Love the screen size.A great GPS. I have 4.3 inch Garmin that is about two years old. I was happy with it but the screen size was a bit small when I was using it in my truck pulling my 5th wheel RV. The larger screen size is perfect now. There are a number of improvements in the software that I love, especially the lane guidance. It will also be nice to be able to get a new map without paying for it like my old one was.
  • G. Hayes "Debilynn" - Stupendous Product!This is the third tablet I have purchased. I returned the other two within the first week. The Samsung Galaxy Tab2 out-performs all the other tablets I have used. Can't say enough about the above average technology on the Samsung products. Love it!!