
Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery - Continuing Medical Education for Vascular Surgeons - The CSVS provides a forum for continuing medical education for vascular surgeons and others interested in the investigation and treatment of patients with vascular disease.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 95405 Santa Rosa, California

  • M. Fields "book lover" - The Noticer ReturnsAndy is a modern day C.S. Lewis. You will not find a more talented story teller. I devoured this book and went right back and read it again. This book is sure to change how you look at life. This is NOT a book to be missed. If you enjoyed Jones and his wisdom in book one The Noticer you will welcome your friend right back in your life in book two. I highly recommend this 5 star book.
  • renato brandolese - Exaustive rapid consult text in pathologyThe 5 minute clinical consult ed. Frank J. Domino represents a rapid text of clinical medicine written in very concise style. Substantially it may be divide in two parts. In the first part the diagnosis and treatment is illustrated by an algorithmic approach. In the second part, which is very larger than the first one, every disease is illustrated by means of diagnosis, differential diagnosis,treatment, prognosis , references.This texbook of medicine is not addressed to the students that have to prepare an axamination during their university courses, rather to those physicians that during their clinical work have to consult , for ezample, a disease that they have studied just before of which it is necessary a rapid complete update. I am a phisician whose speciality is " internal medicine"
  • AMR "ania" - took me a while ...... to start using it, because I looked at #1 DVD and it scared me, that I wouldn't be able to do any of it. But once I read instructions and realized, that in women's version, disc #1 with all the pull ups and chin ups is not necessary to use I loved it. I used it for 3 months religiously every day and lost 18 lbs before my European vacation. Felt really good.
  • B. Benton - Awesome Stroller, No ComplaintsI love the color, the ease of use, the weight, everything! It folds up and unfolds so quickly and easily and small (I drive a Prius, so that was important). I am 5'1" and I can do it one handed while holding my new floppy necked newborn. I used it for the first time yesterday to walk around Target, and was able to maneuver between the closely spaced racks with no trouble at all (and I kind of enjoyed flaunting the ability in front of other moms who picked a big ol' bulky stroller).