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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 85281 Tempe, Arizona

  • wrxbabe04 - WOW! kicking myself for not reading it soonerWOW.

    Not going to lie, I was really, really bored with this book when I first began it. But people just kept talking about it. They would not shut up about it, so I just kept pushing on. It took all of my concentration to really read it and so much effort it took to just get through it.

    There was so much ... "fluff" shall we say? Fluff that I felt could've been scrapped.

    I don't want to spoil this book for anyone, so I will not reveal the plot twist. But my GOD. Wow!!

    This was definitely a psychological thriller than any mystery thriller. For me, it didn't go as fast in the beginning. Everyone said to keep going, keep reading, just wait, just wait. So I plunged along and man! I knew that if I gave up, I would've missed out on a really good story. I'm glad I stuck it out. It was a good story. But it's not a favorite. Like the shock factor is there all right, but couldn't say that I would necessarily re-read it. Not to say that if I did re-read it I wouldn't pick up on more things, but this just was a one time book for me, because the big reveal, man behind the curtain is known.

    Overall, slow beginning, almost to the point where I wanted to give up, but the plot twist was very good, and then the ending was just so-so. It still took me for a rollercoaster ride, which everyone was saying that it would do, so it definitely delivered.
  • xo2elliottxo - couldn't believe it..I received my bottle 3 days ago. I've been taking 3 tablets about 30 minutes before I think I'm going to eat and all I can say is that it really does work! I've lost 2 lbs already and it has definitely curbed my appetite. I also heard about this product from Dr. Oz.
    I recommend this product for sure!
    Thanks for reading!
    From a small town missouri girl :-)