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  • B. Nguyen - Love this phoneWhat I love about this phone:

    - Camera: the photos are so awesome, you can sell your point&shoot camera on ebay after getting this phone.

    - Nokia apps: I didn't know I needed these apps until I use them: Nokia music, gps, city lens, etc...

    - Hardware: this baby is fast, fluided, camera button, beautiful screen, rugged, responsive.

    - Apps: I feel like windows has all the apps I needed, I was worry but now I feel this phone has better apps since there are exclusive nokia apps and ms office apps linked to skydrive (cloud storage). There are also Xbox games connect (I do not have a xbox, but a plus for those who do to link your games)

    - seamless integration with what you do and serve it better than iphone and android. Emails, live titles, less swipes to get things done.


    - it can't do dishes, or cook. However, with ms office and skydrive, you can organize your routine better and have time to cook and clean! Love this phone!
  • gimmemyish "great dump" - YO, THIS WORKS ! ! ! !I have tried, I'd say, about 10 things in the past 4 years to get me regular and take solid dumps. I eat pretty well, but I always have this full and uneasy feeling after using the restroom. I think I have had constipation and I never feel that "ahhhhhhhhh" satisfied feeling after using the restroom, just discomfort and annoyance. I've tried mineral oil, pills, psyllium husk, fiber, and various other variations of the sort.

    I picked this product up, I kid you not, about 2 hours ago, and popped four pills in. Let me tell you something. I was laying down and I had this automatic feeling that came ovr me to go and use the restroom and I took one of those dumps where you feel damn good. No backup and honestly I feel happy that I did. It's been a good while since I've taken a dump like that. I highly recommend this product for anyone who is frustrated and lives on a day to day basis with that backed-up feeling. Purchase these. And they're natural. I wish you could post pics on this thing, but that would be gross and funny. But at least it could make all of you believers.

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  • Connie - Great product!!This is by far the best shake I've ever had that is nutritious as well. It has so many benefits. I would highly recommend it. It is packed with protein , boosts your metabolism, and provides insane energy. You can choose to loose weight or build muscle and this would help either or both.

    Super fast shipping, low price, great packaging! Will definitely order again and highly recommend.