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Country: Europe, NL, Netherlands
- Indiana conservative - Very outing book of ObamaAll the reasons why not to have voted for Obama are listed in this book and backed up by the facts in my Kindle Fire addition with the links. Little late for the rest of the country though seeing that he is getting ready to start another four years and complete the agenda he had for the first four.
- dream factory - A Hot Little BookI mean hot full of quick hard facts about all the infections your gonna meet in my ER. Some heavyweights come in early (2am) and often. So you get to know you ABX drug of choice pretty well of things like peritonitis, cholangitis, meningitis, cellulitis, NH pneumonia.
But what's new with those weird things that don't come around often enough to be carved into your cerebrum? Like neo fever, botulism, human bites, mastoiditis, immune compromised infections, HIV hepatitis.
Keep this little pocket book handy and you'll learn quick enough to stay afloat down here. The Sanford guide is a complicated dinosaur, the pharmacopeia is too dinky. Pull those rags out during morning rounds and you'll be eating them for breakfast. If we have time.
What I'm getting at; this is the book for ER ID rounds. . . . Ok sure it doesn't have the newest doc for c. Diff (Dificid) or Teflaro or Xerese. But any med book is already outdated the day it's printed. Anyway stay away from that new stuff till it's been tested on the human heard by our learned ID colleagues upstairs.
Ok, get some sleep. Bring your Ritalin. And don't you dare be late. The unit secretary will literally shoot you, then I'll have to sew you up.
And don't lean on them walls, you are doctors now, not scarecrows!!